SDN progress in the Enterprise


SDN Fundamental:

SDN與NFV相關標準與發展趨勢 (工研院資通所)

OpenFlow and SDN:

* SDN Northbound interface (API)

    SDN Programming

* Cisco Learning network

    Tail-f ConfD (part of cisco): Tail-f has created a free version of their powerful On-Device Management (Management Agent) Software for Networking Devices, ConfD.

只要有軟體的存在,就會有Application Programming Interface (API)來做為軟硬體間的通訊界面。
    因此,從控制器的角度來看,往下傳達控制物理網路元件指令的API,習慣上稱為南向(Southbound API)。往上接受服務請求的API,習慣上稱為北向(Northbound API)。
    目前 南向 API 最多人討論和佈署的,就是OpenFlow,也就是提出SDN概念的Open Network Foundation (ONF) 這個組織所定義的。
    目前 北向 API 最多人討論和佈署的,就是 Open Daylight 專案所定義的一個 RESTful 模型的API。

The hype around software-defined networking used to be inescapable; today, some vendors even steer clear on the term. But a panel at Interop ITX showed that the technology is still very much alive and changing the way enterprises run their networks.
"If you watched the Super Bowl on Fox, you watched SDN," Thomas Edwards, VP of engineering and development at FOX Networks Engineering & Operations. "We use SDN to have fine-grained control over packets on our network," he said, explaining how the company uses SDN to move compressed videos to its regional networks.
The panelists discussed why they decided to adopt SDN and lessons learned. They talked about benefits such as agility and cost savings as well as challenges in shifting away from traditional networking.
Vanderstraeten said Microsoft tries to encourage network engineers to learn a programming language such as Python in order to understand how software works. "You have to understand what is possible in software and what isn't," he said. "If you have no clue about programming, that becomes difficult."
Patel said network engineers need to change their approach and that OpenFlow "will change your mindset of how networks are configured."
When Gap implemented SD-WAN from Viptela, training was key, he said. "We had to train the engineering and architectural teams to think about the control plane, not just the data plane," he said, adding that operations engineers accustomed to CLI had to be trained on the SD-WAN dashboard.
While the panel talked about the educational benefits of OpenFlow, they also noted that SDN has moved far beyond the protocol.

Panel moderator Lisa Caywood, director of ecosystem development at the Linux Foundation's OpenDaylight Project, said OpenFlow applies to a specific set of uses cases. "It's [SDN] not so much about the protocols," she said. "It's about the interfaces. That's the shift we've seen."
Organizations interested in adopting SDN should start small, Vanderstraeten said. "Put a toe in the water with SDN then take it to the next step," he said. Patel recommended conducting POCs with new vendors and challenging incumbent vendors to provide new features. "We call it crawl, walk, run."


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