Survey and Research: http://www.smallnetbuilder.com/tools/charts/router/view https://www.snbforums.com/threads/how-to-find-the-best-router-for-gigabit-internet.38635/ https://www.smallnetbuilder.com/lanwan/lanwan-howto/33095-how-to-find-the-best-router-for-gigabit-internet 1. Broadcom方案 (1) LDK: Linux Development Kit (LDK) for the Broadcom iProc (integrated Processor) family of processors. The iProcLDK currently supports all the production iProc SOCs (Northstar/Northstar+/Northstar2/ … etc). It provides as buildroot package for toolchains/compiler, U-Boot loader, Linux kernel 3.6.5 BSP and applications. The LDK now has SAMBA optimized porting for NAS application. (2) ESDK: WLAN Enterprise SDK (or Enterprise Wireless SDK) which support to the Broadcom reference platforms. It provides bootloader (CFE/U-boot), Linux kernel 2.6.36 BSP, WiFi driver and application (with Enterprise features). ...