TechNet網路技術: Industrial Automation and Control System Security

摘自: ISA99 - Industrial Automation and Control System Security

IEC-62443, Industrial Cyber System Security

CIA - Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

Network security objectives usually involve three basic concepts:
ü   Confidentiality: There are two types of data: data in motion as it moves across the network; and data at rest, when data is sitting on storage media (server, local workstation, in the cloud, and so forth). Confidentiality means that only the authorized individuals/systems can view sensitive or classified information. This also implies that unauthorized individuals should not have any type of access to the data. Regarding data in motion, the primary way to protect that data is to encrypt it before sending it over the network. Another option you can use with encryption is to use separate networks for the transmission of confidential data. Several chapters in this book focus on these two concepts.
ü   Integrity: Integrity for data means that changes made to data are done only by authorized individuals/systems. Corruption of data is a failure to maintain data integrity.
ü   Availability: T his applies to systems and to data. If the network or its data is not available to authorized users—perhaps because of a denial-of-service (DoS) attack or maybe because of a general network failure—the impact may be significant to companies and users who rely on that network as a business tool. The failure of a network generally equates to loss of revenue.
Perhaps thinking of these security concepts as the CIA might help you remember them:

confidentiality , integrity , and availability.

七個物聯網(IoT ,Internet of Things)廠商可以提高安全性和消除隱私憂慮的方法: (
  1. 按照「安全設計」準則 – 從一開始就建立好防禦措施,而不是在設計好產品之後再加入
  2. 最小化所收集的資料量,並且限制其保存的時間來減少遭受破壞性外洩事件的風險
  3. 建立多層次網路安全防禦,從端點到在網路上先進的偵測APT攻擊針對性威脅
  4. 確保所有員工都受到訓練,了解網路安全的重要性
  5. 確保承包商和其他第三方廠商擁有跟內部員工相同的高安全標準
  6. 遵循「最小權限」原則來實施嚴密的存取控制
  7. 在嚴重問題成為已知時盡快提供設備安全修補程式




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